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Reset Your Senses, Rejuvenate

The Reset Massage


Tailored massage therapy services designed to rejuvenate both body and mind. With a focus on personalised care and convenience, we bring the relaxation of professional massage directly to your doorstep. Experience the ultimate reset with Emma Henry.


Corporate Wellness Programs: Enhance the health and productivity of your team with our customizable corporate wellness programs, including on-site chair massage and stress management workshops.

Investing in the health of your employees fosters a positive work environment, reduces absenteeism, and enhances overall job satisfaction.

For a personalised pricing tailored to your company’s specific requirements, please reach out to us directly. We’ll be happy to
provide a customised quote that meets your unique needs and preferences.

Reset Your Senses, Rejuvenate Your Body


Performance Enhancement: Specialised manual therapy designed to optimise your professional performance. Whether you’re a musician, dancer, actor or TV and film personnel, we understand the unique physical demands of your craft. Elevate your performance to new heights with our expert care, enhancing your endurance, flexibility, and overall well-being.

For a personalised quote please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll work closely with you to understand your objectives and provide a customised solution that fits your budget and expectations.

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