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The Reset Massage


Tailored massage therapy services designed to rejuvenate both body and mind. With a focus on personalised care and convenience, we bring the relaxation of professional massage directly to your doorstep. Experience the ultimate reset with Emma Henry.


Established in 2024 by Emma Henry, a highly qualified sports and manual therapist, The Reset fulfils the increasing demand for personalised massage therapy delivered directly to clients, events, and businesses in the North West. Emma’s vision is to bring expert massage therapy directly to clients, ensuring convenience, comfort, and personalised care.

We specialise in providing our therapy services directly to your home or hotel. Additionally, we offer tailored health and well-being days for the workplace promoting employee wellness and productivity.

We also provide packages specifically designed for the TV, Film, Music and Theatre industries, catering to the unique needs of performers and production crews.


Take the first step towards optimal performance with our professional massage therapy services.

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